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  • Writer's pictureJustin Prenioslo

Baby's First Steps: Milestones and Tips for Walking

Physio helping an infant with standing to aid with walking in home.

Witnessing your baby's first steps is an unforgettable moment, signifying a remarkable milestone in their development. In this blog post, we'll explore the stages of walking, from muscle strengthening to those first unsteady steps, and offer expert advice to support your baby's progression.

The Journey to Walking

While babies typically start walking between 10 to 18 months old, some may begin as early as 8 months. The process begins with muscle strengthening from infancy, progressing through milestones like tummy time, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, and finally walking.

Milestones of Standing and Walking

As babies progress toward walking, they typically navigate through several stages:

  • Pulling themselves up on low furniture

  • Pulling to stand at higher surfaces and then flat surfaces

  • Cruising side to side along furniture

  • Cruising between two pieces of furniture

  • Standing momentarily without support

  • Walking with support or pushing objects around

  • Taking a few independent steps

  • Pushing themselves up to standing without using furniture

  • Walking consistently without assistance

Expert Guidance and Support for Walking

If your baby is not showing signs of walking by 16 months old, consider seeking guidance from a pediatric physiotherapist, such as Stork Physio. We specialize in infant development and can provide personalized support to address any concerns. You can book an appointment with Stork Physio here.

Tips for Encouraging Walking

Here are some additional strategies to encourage walking:

  • Make things harder by putting your foot in the way while cruising.

  • Stand on unstable surfaces to challenge balance and stability.

  • Encourage walking along walls or holding onto furniture for support.

  • If walking while holding your hands, lower your hands below their shoulder height to encourage independent movement.

  • Encourage one-legged activities

  • Practice crawling up stairs to promote leg strength and coordination.

  • Ensure your baby uses both legs equally by incorporating activities that require bilateral movement.


The journey to walking is an exciting time filled with growth and discovery for your baby. By understanding the milestones and stages of walking and seeking expert guidance when needed, you can support your baby's development with confidence. Celebrate each step along the way and cherish the milestones as your little one embarks on this transformative journey.


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