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  • Writer's pictureJustin Prenioslo

Don't Blame Laziness: Understanding Your Baby's Need for Movement

Baby sitting in one place playing with a toy in their own home. Smiling and having a good time with a physiotherapist making them laugh

Have you ever been told your baby is lazy? It's a frustrating label that doesn't quite fit. Babies are anything but lazy – they're hardwired to explore and learn through movement. If your little one seems stuck or struggles to move, it's not because they're lazy; it may indicate other factors at play.

Babies Are Wired to Move

From the moment they're born, babies have an innate drive to move. Movement is how they explore the world, develop their senses, and learn about cause and effect. While some babies may seem more motivated by movement than others, every baby possesses this inherent drive.

Supporting Your Baby's Movement

If you notice your baby struggling with movement, there are several things you can do to help them:

  1. Prioritize Floor Time: Make floor time a regular part of your routine and create safe spaces for exploration. Encourage your baby to move freely and explore their surroundings.

  2. Encourage Independence: Instead of immediately picking up your baby when they're frustrated in a certain position, show them how to transition on their own. This helps build their understanding and motor planning skills, laying the foundation for independent movement.

  3. Introduce Moving Toys: Toys that encourage movement, such as rolling toys, can be great motivators for your baby to explore and move.

Variety of Movements

It's essential to encourage a variety of movements from a young age. Incorporate equal parts tummy time, side lying, and back time into your baby's routine. As they grow and begin to reach for toys while on their tummy, move the toys to the side to encourage pivoting and rolling. Additionally, once your baby is able to sit, explore positions such as side sitting and kneeling to further develop their motor skills.

When to Seek Help

If your baby continues to struggle with movement despite your efforts, it may be beneficial to seek help from a pediatric physiotherapist. A pediatric PT can assess your baby's movement patterns, identify any barriers or challenges, and develop a tailored plan to help them thrive.

Contact Us

For personalized guidance and support for your baby's movement development, contact Stork Mobile Physiotherapy at 587-606-2291 or schedule your appointment online here.


Babies aren't lazy – they're curious, active learners who thrive on movement. By understanding and supporting your baby's natural drive for movement, you can help them reach their full potential. Remember, if you have concerns about your baby's movement development, don't hesitate to reach out to a pediatric physiotherapist for guidance and support.


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